
Recent Updates on the SSA Backlog 2022

A Social Security Disability claim form with a pen lying on top of it.

With already increased wait times and a higher probability of being denied Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), many claimants and Social Security beneficiaries are growing restless as they wait on application reviews and delayed payments.

Not only is this longstanding issue a serious financial concern for those who already depend on SSI and/or SSDI, but the backlog of disability claims that need to be reviewed has left many in limbo, wondering if they will ever receive the benefits they need.

Additionally, the chances of being approved for benefits has decreased significantly, meaning that more and more Americans who are unable to work will be left without the income and resources they need. For those who do not have another source of financial support, they will likely find themselves going through an appeals process that is almost certain to be long and arduous.

Improvement Plans

While the cost-of-living-adjustment (COLA) remained at 5.9% throughout the last year for SSDI and SSI payments, up to November 2022, the COLA will now rise to 8.7% in December, boosting payments that are set to go out in January 2023.

While this increase will undoubtedly be helpful to beneficiaries receiving Social Security disability benefits and SSI, it is only being enacted due to record high inflation rates. Current delays in Social Security payments will still impact the livelihoods of millions of Americans unless rectified.

If you are wondering, how long does a disability claim take, the answer has changed dramatically over the last year. The average time for pending claim approval has jumped from 3-4 months, to slightly over 6 months as of August 2022. The target motion to fix this issue is to significantly increase funding for the Social Security Administration in 2023, allowing for an increase in staffing and technological improvements.

 O’Neil and Bowman Disability Group – Contact Us Today for Help with Your SSI or SSDI Application

If you are struggling to file for Social Security Disability benefits or SSI, it’s important to reach out to a qualified Social Security attorney in Norfolk, VA. At O’Neil and Bowman Disability Group, we strive to help our clients obtain the disability benefits they need with as few hiccups as possible by filing their claim appropriately and on time, with all the necessary documentation. Contact us to receive a free case evaluation today.

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